For this reaction, I used a 5 gallon water bottle like those found
on office water coolers. The source of the reactants were compressed cylinders of
industrial grade hydrogen and oxygen. In past years, the bottle was filled completely with
hydrogen and then oxygen was added for a short period of time. I was trying my best to
achieve a 2:1 ratio without going to great lengths to ensure it. Now I fill the bottle
"over water" so that I can visually see what I am getting. The mouth of the
bottle was covered with parafilm and kept upside down for its journey to the field behind
the school. A standard rocket igniter was attached to one end of a 75 yard length of
stereo wire. The bottle was propped at 45* angle using boards (or placed in a ring clamp)
and the igniter was inserted in the mouth of the bottle. The wire was unrolled as we
retreated behind a wooden structure some 40 yards away. With camera rolling, a 9V battery
was touched to the free end of the wire. After a several second delay for electron travel,
we made new water molecules in impressive fashion. This reaction is not for the faint of
heart. It produces a sizeable shock/sound wave. For instance (#1), if you listen to the
videotape, the sounds of car alarms can be heard shortly after the reaction. The parking
lot is adjacent to the field about 150 yards from the reaction site. We had produced some
gas molecules with tremendous amounts of kinetic energy. These molecules sped off and
crashed into other molecules which started a chain collision process that eventually
pushed on a car enough to set off the alarm system. For instance (#2), I was telling my
classes about the experiment the next day. A student asked me for the exact time of the
reaction. He was astonished by my answer. During swim practice that afternoon, the swim
team was conducting practice in an indoor swim facility that is located in a park across
from the reaction site. The pool is covered by a "bubble" during the colder
months. The swimmers had been baffled by a sudden indoor rainshower that occurred on that
afternoon. The fast moving molecules that went in the other direction had started a chain
collision process that eventually pushed on the bubble enough to shake the condensation
off its ceiling. A good teaching moment is to calculate how relatively few hydrogen
molecules were present in the water bottle (compare to a Space Shuttle launch or the
Hindenburg). If you want to see pictures, we have used a frame-by-frame VCR and a product
called "Snappy" to take a few digital snapshots from the videotape. Follow me.... (29 K)